UTAA Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Programme Educational Aims

Educational objectives, which reflect the long-term goals of the program, include the career-related goals that graduates are expected to achieve in the near future
and the professional expectations of the students. The educational objectives of the program are determined as follows. a) They work in companies and organizations that shape technology and modern life. b) In activities involving original design, research and development that create added value they are found. c) They can establish their own companies or work in the industry as leaders, managers, specialist engineers.

UTAA Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Programme Self-Duty


The self-duty of UTAA Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering is to educate professionally and ethically responsible electrical and electronics engineers, that
serve society within the framework of technological developments by thinking scientifically and multi-dimensionally, contribute to the development and dissemination
of science and technology in the country and the world by seeing the future, equipped with knowledge and skills in positions that play active roles at national and
international levels in all fields of Electrical-Electronics Engineering.